Playing Vinegraft
We are partnering with churches like yours to offer this platform to your children.
This ensures that Vinegraft Bible Adventures are :
- Free - Vinegraft is built by the church for the church. There are no fees for churches or participants.
- Private - Vinegraft is only available to children who attend and/or are members of the partner church. The platform does not permit strangers to join or even access Vinegraft, and the access points are unique for each church.
- Safe - Every child requires parental consent, using the forms provided in the Vinegraft Starter Kit.
- Secure - In Vinegraft Adventures, children do not use their real names. This is a general good habit when engaging online that we want to encourage. Churches provide a hardcopy legend for children so they know who's who.
- Monitored - Each Vinegraft Bible Adventure will require parental volunteers to join in the fun, and supervise the engagement.
- Segmented - Vinegraft Bible Adventures are designed for 7-14 year olds. Within that range, partner churches will decide how many independent sessions to run for each age level and gender.
- Scheduled - Vinegraft Bible Adventures only run at specific times scheduled by the partner church, and with reasonably limited durations.